Introducing cage

Discussions, advice, bug reports and much more about the "cage" environment.
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Introducing cage

Post by danieleghisi » Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:52 am

Dear all,

we have developed a new library named "cage", consisting of abstractions based upon "bach".

Somehow, "cage" is an expansion of "bach" (and not only in the anglo-saxon note naming system!): the library is composed by a set of tools aimed to ease manipulation of symbolic musical data and solve typical CAC problems, such as generation of pitches, generation and processing of melodic profiles, symbolic processes inspired by digital signal processing, harmonic and rhythmic interpolations, automata and L-systems, tools for musical set theory, tools for score generation and handling. This project, supported by the Haute École de Musique in Geneva, has a chiefly pedagogical vocation: all the modules in the library are abstractions, lending themselves to be easily analyzed and modified.

Please be free to download the alpha release from here. Such alpha release is not complete, and not yet fully documented, although most modules are available and already working properly. Don't hesitate to notify to us bugs, requests, issues, in this brand new forum, completely dedicated to cage.

The official stable release is planned for October 2014, so stay tuned!

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