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Sharing Patches:"Embellie" by Xenakis, and microtonal ear trainers

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 6:57 pm
Hi all,

Here are some very simple patches I hope you find useful, available here.
(I would post all compressed code here but the Xenakis patch is huge)

First one allows you to compare the pitch content of different sections of Xenakis' piece Embellie for solo viola, and test for intersection and uniqueness.You might disagree with how I broke down the sections, that's ok, hopefully this is still useful. One idea I had was to develop a tool to analyze these for periodicities to discover their sieve composition, moduli etc., a la Xenakis sieve theory. Haven't figured out a way to do it yet though. Was excited when I saw bach.sieve object, but it appears to serve a different function.

Other three patches are simple bach.roll patches pre-loaded with presets useful in microtonal ear-training, in 24-ET, 36-ET, and 72-ET. They contain interval comparisons to 12-ET, scales, etc. Feel free to modify or use as you see fit.