Frustrating Lag on Macbook Retina Displays?

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Frustrating Lag on Macbook Retina Displays?

Post by someone89a » Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:10 am

Hi there,

So in the past I have noticed that everytime I've installed the bach library, patching in Max becomes really slow and frustrating due to lag spikes whenever a new object or selection is made, even if the patcher is empty. I didnt really know how to fix other than to uninstall bach which did improve things.

However I'm wanting to learn to use bach now so I reinstalled, and got the same lag spikes that I used to get - but I then opened Max in low resolution mode...

Suddenly its as smooth as butter, albeit quite ugly due to the resolution difference.

I know plenty of applications suffer on retina displays, and Max does have a slight performance drop whilst running in full resolution, but the only common factor with the extreme performance drops is the bach library.

Is this a known issue? Can I help/have help troubleshooting this on my system?

Any info would be really appreciated!!

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Re: Frustrating Lag on Macbook Retina Displays?

Post by danieleghisi » Sun Dec 01, 2019 8:34 pm


what computer model do you have? Retina means you go up in resolution by a factor of 2, meaning 4 times the pixels. Whatever is drawn, is bound to be drawn more slowly and with more CPU charge. This is especially true for bach objects, which have a *lot* of glyphs to draw (we do that vectorially), which means that if you goes up to retina, you have 4 times the effort.

But this is also true for *ALL* max objects, not just bach: as a matter of fact, on my previous computer I had retina turned off constantly because of this, even in patches without any bach objects (just a lot of standard Max stuff). On the current one, that's not a great issue. We decided to keep the quality of vectorial drawing, that was a weighted choice.

You can of course:
- encapsulate any bach.roll/bach.score object you do not need to see
- if you redraw/refresh things with a metro, consider slowing it down
- remove @highlightplay during playback (it's already turned off by default in the new release, that caused lags if many stuff had to be redrawn).


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Re: Frustrating Lag on Macbook Retina Displays?

Post by TWTP » Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:12 pm

Strategies to overcome lag specifically during playback that also work for me (on windows machines) include:
1) zooming way out in Max (not within roll or score; this works the best, I find)
2) making roll or score so long that no re-draws are necessary (the worst lag is usually at re-draws)
3) increasing the average play bar step time

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