

If you need to cite bach, you might want to cite

  • A. Agostini, D. Ghisi, “A Max Library for Musical Notation and Computer-Aided Composition”, Computer Music Journal, Volume 39, No. 2, p. 11–27, 2015 (link)

If you need to cite cage, you might want to cite

  • A. Agostini, E. Daubresse, and D. Ghisi, “cage: a high-level library for real-time computer-aided composition”, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, 2014

If you need to cite dada, you might want to cite

  • D. Ghisi, C. Agon, “Real-Time Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis for Symbolic Notation”, Proceedings of the TENOR conference, Cambridge, UK, 2016

Here's a list of published papers about bach or the libraries in the bach family:

  • D. Ghisi, C. Agon, “Real-Time Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis for Symbolic Notation”, Proceedings of the TENOR conference, Cambridge, UK, 2016
  • A. Agostini, D. Ghisi, “A Max Library for Musical Notation and Computer-Aided Composition”, Computer Music Journal, Volume 39, No. 2, p. 11–27, 2015 (link)
  • A. Agostini, E. Daubresse, and D. Ghisi, “cage: a high-level library for real-time computer-aided composition”, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, 2014
  • A. Agostini, E. Daubresse, D. Ghisi, “cage: una libreria di alto livello per la composizione assistita da computer in tempo reale”, Proceedings of the XX Colloquio d’Informatica Musicale (CIM 2014), Roma, Italy, p. 17–22, 2014 (PDF) — NB: this article is an Italian translation of “cage: a high-level library for real-time computer-aided composition” (see above)
  • A. Agostini, E. Daubresse, and D. Ghisi, “cage: une librairie de haut niveau dédiée à la composition assistée par ordinateur dans Max”,Proceedings of the Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM), Bourges, 2014
  • A. Einbond, C. Trapani, A. Agostini, D. Ghisi and D. Schwarz, “Fine-tuned Control of Concatenative Synthesis with CataRT Using the bach Library for Max”, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, 2014
  • A. Agostini, D. Ghisi, "Real-time computer-aided composition with bach", Contemporary Music Review, Volume 32, Part 1, p. 41-48, 2013 
  • A. Agostini, D. Ghisi, "bach: una libreria per la composizione assistita in Max", Proceedings of the XIX Colloquio d'Informatica Musicale (CIM 2012), Trieste, Italia, 2012
  • A. Agostini, D. Ghisi, "bach: an environment for computer-aided composition in Max", Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2012), Ljubljana, Slovenia, p. 373-378, 2012 (PDF)
  • A. Agostini, D. Ghisi, "Gestures, events and symbols in the bach environment", Proceedings of the Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM 2012), Mons, Belgium, p. 247-255, 2012 (PDF)